Daniel Steigerwald

"I think the metadata was absolutely clear on this case. In December, I looked at Coward’s work and found extensive copying, just as the students had presented to the Academic Senate. These texts follow that same pattern of explanation followed by copying. This might work in a lecture hall, but it does not work when presented as your own work. I do not know Professor Kovar at all. I do not believe I have ever met him in person. However, this case does not require any special knowledge of the people involved. It is a purely ethical issue and this is plagiarism. Amman, Jordan" I když se to ten komunistickej rektor UK pokoušel vyžehlit, etická komise chytře požádala o názor i zahraniční akademiky. Lež má krátké nohy, ale často oběhne zemi dříve, než si pravda nazuje boty. Často, ale ne vždy. Pokud MK přijde o oba tituly, což asi přijde, bude se muset živit prací jako civil. Nebo bude muset vystudovat znova 😂 https://www.ff.cuni.cz/2019/02/zaverecna-zprava-eticke-komise-ff-uk/