Daniel Steigerwald

Když se člověk kouká na stát a politiky, nelze (až na výjimky) nebýt zhrozen. Od 90. let jde úroveň dolu a zvlášť posledních 5 let je otřesných. Když se však člověk koukne mimo stát, má naopak mnoho důvodů k radosti a optimismu. Služby, technologie, jídlo, whatever, skoro vše se rapidně vyvíjí a zlepšuje. Smutek a rozčarování plyne právě z těchto protikladů. Pokud člověk chápe, proč to tak je, má mnoho důvodů k optimismu. Staré umírá a odchází. No, nebudu se rozepisovat a předám slovo Jeffrey Tucker 🙂 Nearly everyone knows there is something wrong with the world as it is. The liberty-minded person believes that he or she knows a major part of what is wrong. There is not enough flexibility and adaptability in the structures of government that presume to manage the social order. State systems have made life rigid and regimented–replete with regulations, taxes, mandates, and prohibitions–with the cost that too many people are excluded, demoralized, and impoverished. For moral and practical reasons, this situation must end. The vast majority of the human family continues to live under the illusion that giving government more power will magically cure society’s ills. In other words, freedom is the answer. We recall the moment when we discovered this. The light flicked on. The shades came off and the world looked different from before. Our lives changed. How can we help others arrive at this point? The short summary of what we believe: the astonishing rise of government power over the course of the last one hundred years has truncated freedoms, human rights, and prosperity along with all the fruits of the human spirit. Government is the main enemy, but government hides under cover of social contract, social justice, democracy, religion, security, and a host of other changing veils.